Let your light be shown. Own your beauty. Your colors. Your hollows. Don't be afraid. Do be vulnerable.


Art Pieces

Letting the light pass through. Letting yourself be you.

When I started creating these sculptures, my intention was to represent the light that exists within each one of us. That light that shines regardless of who we are or where we come from.

Today, I see that and a little more. I see that light. But I also see the shadow. I realize that without those holes, we wouldn't know there is light within. I see that sometimes the sculpture appears dimmed and requires effort to ignite. I see that the shadow also needs light, love, and acceptance.

Throughout my life, I have believed that there is goodness and love within every being. Even when someone does wrong or causes harm, I believe deep down they do it because of the wounds they carry, the suffering they hold inside, and their struggle to express it in any other way. I believe in that inherent innocence that exists within.

However, I also believe in the responsibility that each human being has towards oneself and others: to recognize, to turn inward, to find consciousness within oneself, and to choose. Everyone has the strength to remove the mask, to acknowledge their shadow, and to find their light. To ignite, to transmute, and to let the light they carry within pass through their own holes. To share.